
Friday Favorites

Oh hey there Friday! I’m happy to see you! #nothinglikeathreedayweekendforthewin

I haven’t done a Friday Favorites post in several weeks…so today, I have a whole assortment of randomness to share with you. Annnnnd…since I figure no one will be reading blogs on Monday (JULY 4TH!), I’m going to leave this post up through then and catch ya on Tuesday.

Happy July 4th friends! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend celebrating!

Okay…I’m going to kick us off on a really random note. Have any of you used I know. This sounds like a paid commercial but it’s seriously not! See back on our trip, Andrew started talking about where his family came from (he thought Germany but wasn’t 100% sure), so when we came home, he signed up and started researching his family through Ancestry’s website and was totally obsessed with it. So… I decided to sign up and find my roots too…and now, we’re all hooked. My parents and both sets of my grandparents have been sucked in as well (we’re all working together on the tree I created for my side of the family). It’s insane. I’m going to have to hire a babysitter and sit in front of my computer for like a week to get my roots as far back as I can (Adam? Eve? I’m going to try.) So, if you’ve ever been tempted, let me tell you…it’s addicting. (It’s also super cool and crazy informative.)

This is just one little pic that I screenshot. They have actual photographs of grave sites for many of my relatives. So fun to see all of it unfold so quickly in front of my eyes! For all of you interested in your roots, the Shulls are big fans!

So, I’m going to name my June Book Review a favorite this week for two reasons: first, I thought I was the only one who didn’t enjoy The Castaways, so it made me feel better to know that you didn’t either. Annnnd you guys offered up some really good suggestions (again). I love reading books with you girls! If you missed this post, don’t forget to check back and read the comments for other suggestions!

Um…this is random…but check Gap’s website all weekend long. I’m pretty sure they’ll go 40% off in honor of July 4th and we’d hate to miss that. I was looking on there last week and look what I ordered…

I ordered the pink romper but it comes in many other colors! I’m using it as a pool cover up. Score!

A few weeks ago, I made this Nars lip pencil in Sex Machine a favorite and well, I found it’s partner a la gloss

They match, right? Super good combo…lip liner and a nice little gloss. I felt proud of myself. The gloss is called Baby Doll

…a match made in heaven :).

This week, Ashby and I were at speech therapy when her therapist asked me if I wanted to see the coolest pens ever.

Uh, yeah.

They’re gel pens THAT ERASE. What? Yes. They write like a normal gel pen and then erases completely. We were like two middle school girls squealing over colorful pens that erase. I mean…if that’s not a Friday Favorite then I just don’t know what is!

I took a close up of the brand so that I could order them online. She told me to check Amazon and sure enough, they were there! They make ballpoint pens too…but I loved her gel pens (she let me scribble and erase for kicks). I bought there right here.

This week’s What’s Up Wednesday included this maxi and since it’s July 4th weekend, I thought we should repeat it as a red and blue fave…

I bought red and navy stripe but it comes in four other colors/patterns as well. It’s a favorite this week for sure!

With my favorite wedges, of course ;).

And I couldn’t wrap up this week without all of my red, white and blue recipes. Friends, this weekend, I have your food covered! From appetizers to sides, main dishes on the grill and of course dessert…it’s quite festive over on my food post. You can see all of the yummy (and always simple!) recipes HERE.

That wraps up this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. I hope you guys enjoy your weekend. As much as I love to travel and see the world, there is no place like home…and this weekend, I’m excited to celebrate our sweet country.

See you TUESDAY!

The post Friday Favorites appeared first on Mix and Match Mama.

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