Christine Kobzeff

DIY Flower Vase Idea: Corset Vase With Tulips

Fresh flowers have an amazing ability to lift your spirits, make you smile and they also do wonders for brightening up any room in the house.
Here's an easy DIY vase decorating idea using ribbon, perfect for cylindrical vases. Making a corset vase is a simple and stunning way to create an eye-catching room accent.

Earlier this month, I posted this video on how to arrange tulips and make a corset vase. It was such a fun idea, I felt it deserved it's own blog post as well.

How To Arrange Tulips

If you get a bouquet, it'll usually have directions, which say something like this:
  • Trim stem ends while tulips are in sleeve.
  • Dissolve fresh flower food packet in clean water filled vase.
  • Place tulips into vase and leave sleeve on for 4 hours.
  • Remove sleeve and keep in cool location out of direct sunlight.
  • Replenish water as needed.

But there's a few other things you can do, to help your flowers last longer.

It's not absolutely necessary to leave the sleeve on, however, doing so will help the tulips stand more upright as they get rehydrated. Though, since I'm using a tall vase, they tend to stay quite perky and upright on their own, so I prefer to remove the packaging.

Remove the lower leaves. Otherwise they'll rot in the water, which means you'll have a miniature swamp of bacteria forming in no time. Flowers aren't fond of drinking swamp water. They'd much rather be sipping clean cool refreshing water. Just like you! So make sure no leaves fall below the water line.
Trim the stem ends diagonally using sharp shears or a knife. I'm using a pair of sharp scissors here but a knife is best.
Flower food packets are usually given for free when flowers are purchased. (Keep on the lookout for a DIY flower food recipe from me).
Tulips prefer cold water, so fill a clean vase with cold water and pour in the flower food. (I use half a packet to start and then use the second half next time I change the water).
Stir the flower food until it dissolves into the water.
I like to arrange tulips one by one, with the shortest around the outer edge and tallest in the center of the bouquet.

How To Make A Corset Vase

If you can, use double faced satin ribbon. That way both sides will look shiny. I'm using French Pink by Debi Lilly, it's 1 1/2" wide. The quality is awesome and you get 10 yards for $5.99. I'm using 6 yards for this tall vase.

I start by folding the ribbon in half, so I know I have the center.

Next I wrap it around the vase and cross the ribbon in front.

Pull the ends of the ribbon to the back of the vase, cross and twist.

Bring the ends of the ribbon around to the front again, cross and twist.

Continue repeating, front and back, crossing and twisting, until you reach the bottom of the vase.

When you reach the bottom, tie a bow, to lock your work into place.
Finally I use my lighter to seal the edges of the ribbon, this helps keep the ribbon from fraying. (I usually do this step first but I forgot!)

Find a cool place for it, out of direct sunlight. And your done!

Now stand back and admire your super snazzy corset vase! I bet it'll make you smile every time you lock eyes with it!

P.S. If you don't usually receive flowers from anyone, don't feel bad! ...I don't get them either. I buy them for myself! Ha! ;D
Thanks for stopping in and hanging out with me today!
xoxo, Christine

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