Lillian McCurry

Children’s Corner: Chicks and the City

I received this book via Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Chicks and the City by Matt Browning
Narrator: Ashley Teets
Published by Headline Books on 2020-09-08
Length: 32 pages
Reviewing Hardcover from Author

Chicken Stu isn't a typical barnyard bird. From the top of the silo, he stares at the city in the distance, dreaming of lattés, museums, and penthouse suites. But the other animals warn him the city is no place for fowl. A chicken's home, they say, is on the farm. When Stu finds himself on a truck headed toward the bright lights and tall buildings, he decides to prove just how citified farming can be!

Chicks and the City by Matt Browning is a cute picture book that introduces children to the concept of urban farming. Stu is a chicken with a dream. He believes that he could live in the city and is dazzled by the lights and sounds that drift to him as he watches from the barn silo. One day Stu finds himself on the back of the farm truck heading into the city. Instead of hopping off, he goes for an adventure.

I love how the book shows city life through Stu’s eyes. He encounters the good and the bad. When he is overwhelmed, he meets a friend in the form of a stray cat. Alley cat shows Stu around the city, and when he wants to go home, she shows him a farm within the city. I like how the author introduces urban farming to Stu, showing a garden and even chickens in the heart of the city. Little ones will delight in Stu finding a home in the city and their curiosity will be peaked to learn more about how urban farming works.

About Matt Browning

Matt Browning is the author of "Bookstore Explorer: West Virginia," a celebration of the Mountain State's independent bookstores. He is represented by Stephen Fraser at the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency.

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