Andrea McAnally

Kind Words

Last year I saw this sweet little tradition shared on Facebook and immediately knew I wanted to start it with my kids. Every night of February leading up to Valentine's Day Dave or I will write the kids a sweet little note on a heart and tape it to their door for them to read in the morning. Something that we're proud of, something that we love about them... just a few kind words for them to read in the morning.

Over the two weeks their doors will fill up with the affirmations and I'm hoping that the love spreads and they want to write each other little notes as well.

I feel like things have been SO NEGATIVE lately and I've heard and seen more unkindness spoken in this past month than I care to (Facebook... I'm talking to you!) I'm hoping that this little gesture will kind of refocus my thoughts at the end of the day onto things that I am thankful for and those that I love.
I'm leaving notes for Dave as well and have 14 note cards set out on my desk to send some kind words via snail mail to friends every day as well. I know how much an unprompted kind word can mean to me when I receive it and I'm looking forward to sharing some of that with the people I love!

Outside of my family my plans include words of kindness on students graded papers (about THEM and not necessarily their papers), positive emails sent home to parents (because how awesome are those to get!?!?), a quick comment or two on someone's social media instead of just a like and taking the time to turn the polite smile I typically give the person ahead of or behind me in line into a compliment or just even a hello. It might not make a bit of difference in that person's day OR it might be the little bit of kindness that turns their morning around. Who knows!!!
Do you have any fun traditions for Valentine's Day or leading up to Valentine's Day? I'd love to hear!
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