Mrs Happy Homemaker · Feb 5, 2014

Cheesy Ranch Potatoes – My Favorite Potato Recipe

Cheesy Ranch Potatoes are my absolute favorite potato dish – ever. EVER.

I blogged about them the first time in 2010 & shared my so-called ‘recipe’ (meaning there isn’t exactly any exact measurements to it – the best kind of ‘recipes’ after all). But, quite frankly – my pictures… well, um… sucked. And tiny. Very tiny. You may just need glasses to make out what the dish was.

But somehow – despite how ugly and small my pictures were, a lot of y’all loved it. Which speaks nothing for my photo taking skills 4 years ago and everything about how easy & delicious they are.

So, I figured for as good as this dish is – and because of how much I adore it, it deserved a second go round on the blog… and better pictures to boot. You know, one’s that you can see without a magnifying glass

This is totally an un-recipe recipe. No way to screw it up, people.

Dice up how many potatoes you want. Peeled. Unpeeled. Russets. Reds. Whatever. This recipe loves all potatoes equally.

Throw it (ok, don’t actually throw it. I don’t have liability insurance) into a baking dish. Dot on a few pieces of butter & season. You can season with something as simple as salt & pepper – or you can use taco seasoning (like what I used in the below picture), garlic herb seasoning, anything really.

Sometimes I mix in fresh broccoli or cauliflower. Sometimes I make one dish meal of it and add chicken. Have fun, be creative. After all – that’s what cooking is all about.

Cover with aluminum foil. Bake at 400 degrees until the potatoes are fork tender – 50-60 minutes.

Remove the foil, and squirt on your favorite brand of ranch dressing & however much cheese you want. And any kind of cheese. I usually use a 4 cheese blend because I buy that kind in bulk and always have it on hand.

Put it back in the oven & cook for 3-5 minutes. Just enough to melt the cheese & warm up the ranch.

Serve immediately.

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Rating: 51


  • potatoes, diced (peeled, not peeled, russet, reds, whatever)
  • butter
  • salt & pepper (or whatever other seasoning you like, taco seasoning, garlic herb, etc)
  • ranch dressing, to taste
  • shredded cheese of your choice, to taste


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Place the diced potatoes in a baking dish. Dot with a few pieces of butter. Season with salt & pepper, or whatever other seasoning you like. Cover with aluminum foil, and bake for 50-60 minutes, until potatoes are fork tender.

Add ranch dressing & shredded cheese to taste. Cook in the oven for another 3-5 minutes, until cheese is melted & ranch is piping hot.

Serve immediately.

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Authored by: Crystal Light Faulkner

The post Cheesy Ranch Potatoes – My Favorite Potato Recipe appeared first on Mrs Happy Homemaker.

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