Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives · Jul 12, 2014

Classroom Helpers Set {FREE}

Do you assign classroom helpers in your room? I use enough jobs in my class so that every student has something for the day. I rotate my student's name cards each morning so that their job changes daily. Of course, not every single job is needed everyday. It just depends. My kiddos realize this and quickly understand that if their job that day doesn't require much, it's ok, because they will have a new one the next day. I LOVE it when my kinders figure out my "secret" of moving the name cards down each day. Then they are able to predict or count how many days they have until they get to be line leader or table wiper (2 of the favorites!).

I made a set of job cards for the new school year that match my black/white dots classroom theme. Feel free to grab them for free by clicking {here} or an image below. I will post a picture of my display as soon as I am able to get back into my classroom.... :)

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