Kelly Young

Bold Braid Quilt Tutorial

As much as I love a braid or herringbone quilt with lots of little strips, sometimes I just don't want to mess with all of those tiny pieces of fabric! I decided to make a quilt with that fantastic braid pattern, but make it with wider strips. This makes it fat quarter or fat eighth friendly, and it goes together in a flash!

I used one of Benartex's new fabric lines, Dori, and I love the bright, happy colors. This quilt was fun and easy from start to finish!

For the backing, I opted for the Dottie Lime fabric in the Dori line, and of course I used all of the scraps as well!

A bright orange binding finished the whole thing off! I'm calling this quilt Coral Reef. Something about these colors and prints reminds me of the surreal colors of tropical water.

The finished quilt measures 40 x 52- a super-versatile size- perfect for a baby, or for draping across a table for a cookout or pool party. I know we're heading into winter, but in true teacher fashion, I think about summer year-round!
Head over to Benartex's blog, Sew In Love With Fabric to check out the step-by-step tutorial with lots of pictures!

oh, by the way- Benartex is giving away a FQ bundle of these fresh, fun Dori fabrics!

There are two ways to enter-
1. Follow Benartex's blog, Sew In Love With Fabric by bloglovin', email, or another blog reader. You can find those buttons on their right sidebar. Leave a comment here to let me know how you follow!
OR, 2. You can like Benartex on Facebook and leave a comment to let me know you did so.
**For a second chance to win, follow my blog, and leave a comment to let me know how you're following!
Mr. Random will pick a winner next Wednesday, November 6th. Sew In Love With Fabric will be announcing the winner, so stay tuned!
*Please be sure that you leave your email address if you're a no-reply blogger, or if you're a Wordpress user. I hate that you Wordpressers show up as no-reply to us Blogger users. I surely do wish they'd fix that!
Good luck and enjoy the tutorial!

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