Nailderella · Sep 8, 2013

Essie Color guide #1-100!

Hi everyone,

This post will be HUGE!! I have swatches of 100 Essie polishes to share with you today! So take a seat, grab a cup of coffee, tea or cocoa and relax!
Number 1-100 are part of Essie core line. For all swatches, I used 2 coats of polish to make comparison of opacitiy between the shades easier. I didn't use any base or top coat because there were too many colors to swatch and it was faster this way but don't skip this step when you do a real manicure! Note that I polished my nail and immediately took a photo. The polish was therefore still wet hence the high shine you can see on the pictures.

I kept the images very large so don't hesitat to click on them (or right click on the image and open it in another window for example) to see them in larger size ;D Excuse my stained nails for the sheer polishes!
Sooo are you ready?

#2-3 can be built up to almost full opacitiy if you use more than 2 coats. However, #5-7 are very sheer with #5 being the sheerest (aka cool for sandwich manicures). Some of them are quite similar and it's honestly hard to distinguish them but note than when you go from 1 to 8, you gradually go from a pure white to a white with slightly pink undertones. #9 Vanity Fairest would be cool for layering, is has a slightly milky base with silver sparkles. If you want an opaque polish that is not completely white, go for #14 Fiji.

I guess you can see in the pictures if a polish has a shimmer or is frosty so I'll just point out the jellies (syrup finish). #26 Satus Symbol is a jelly. #28 Rose Bowl and #32 Exotic Liras have both a creme-jelly hybrid formula.

#45 Sole Mate, #50 Bordeaux, #51 Berry Naughty, #55 A List, #57 Forever Yummy, #59 Aperitif, #60 Really Red are jellies.

#63 Too Too Hot, #65 Geranium, #67 Meet Me At Sunet, #68 Capri, and #75 Smokin' Hot have a creme-jelly hybrid formula. #66 Clambake is a jelly.

Summary of all the 100 shades!

And because I've gone completely crazy with all these swatches, I wanted to add moaaaaar so I've added a slideshow, cool if you want to see detailed pictures of each polish ;D

I hope you liked this huuuge post and that it will be useful for you! When you go shopping you usually don't take the time to have a close look at every polish so hopefully this post will help you find the colors you like! I personally didn't know that Essie core line had some jellies and I hadn't realized that the shimmer polishes were that gorgeous! Honestly, you have to have a closer look at them! And of course, if you like creme polishes, you'll find plenty of gorgeous ones here!

Purchase info
Essie polishes can be purchased from autorized retailers. You can find a list of stores that sell Essie in Switzerland here. You can follow Essie Switzerland on Facebook and the essie girls HERE.
*Products in this post were provided by the company as prize of the Essie Girl competition*
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