Oh Happy Day!

ohhappyday.com · Mar 23, 2015

3 Easy April Fools Ideas

For April Fool’s Day, we like pranks that are easy to pull off at the last minute. Here are a few of our favorites, most of which use things from around the house.

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Googly Eyes – This one makes me laugh. Stick googly eyes on things. Like a fruit basket on the kitchen table or everything inside your fridge!

Giant Pencils – This one will need a little advance planning (unless you keep giant pencils on the ready.) My kids crack up when they see me writing with a huge pencil. Then send it to school with your kids to do their school work.

Frozen Cereal – This is my favorite. It’s so easy and the look of surprise on your kids faces is so funny. Throw a bowl of cereal in the freezer the night before. When your kids come to the breakfast table, they’ll be confused when their spoon is not working.

Photos by Paul Ferney for Oh Happy Day

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