
ohdeardrea.blogspot.com · Jul 25, 2014

A Summer Fresh Flower Wreath

I've admittedly been a pretty crummy friend this summer. In general (with the exception of travel) I tend to be a homebody and I don't make much of an effort to get out and see people, but especially this summer, I've been here hermit-ing myself.
Occasionally (but oh so rarely) I'll make an extra hour for a friend to stop by--- for my own sanity as well as Marlowe's. Half the time we just take a minute to sit and the rest of the time has been used for more art and creative projects--- they're stress free, relaxing, and typically add a bit of extra color to our home. This must be two weeks ago already--- but Halle came by so we could have a bit of flower fun. I spent part of the time editing cookbook photos and these girls spent their time making this fun and beautiful flower wreath.
Sure fresh flower's don't last forever like the fake ones, but their is something so charming about a fresh flower wreath for your home. Now that this one has dried it's actually sitting on our dining room table (around the bunny) as part of a center piece--- I like it a lot! I think would actually be a beautiful addition to some sort of summer or spring party :)
Anyway, it's friday. This past week has been good to me. Between daytime weddings turned all day celebrations and getting away with our far away friends--- I'm feeling refreshed and new. I'm excited to plan all the little details for our upcoming travel plans---and I'm even excited for a list of home projects and garden projects. If you're looking for a fun and easy home project this weekend, this is a pretty fun one to pass the time :)

you'll need:
a 10 or 12 inch wooden hoop
thin floral wire
a more filling green flower/foliage such as ferns, gardenia leaves, or seeded eucalyptus
some of your other favorite flowers!

how to:
-begin placing your greenery on top of hoop.
-ask tiny helper to snip two inch pieces of wire and tightly wrap wire around leaves, securing it on back of wooden hoop
-keep adding greens, until you've covered you're whole hoop
-snip stems of flowers, leaving only about an inch or two
-carefully wrap wire around flowers at base, then wrap around wreath and pull tightly to bring wire back to backside.
-if hanging, cut a 10 inch or so long piece of wire. wrap one end around top of wreath and secure.

Tada! A beautiful and welcoming wreath ;)

Hoooray random fun diy! Don't forget to enter the amazing 1,000$ giveaway. Oh and I'll be posting another pretty amazing giveaway in the next few days on instagram. Stay tuned!

Have a great weekend, friends!
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