Yara Santos

Nine Movie Night with Queen Luna #NineLivesInsiders

Nine Lives
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld
Written by: Matt Allen & Caleb Wilson and Daniel Antoniazzi & Ben Shiffrin
Cast: Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner, Malina Weissman, Cheryl Hines, Christopher Walken, Mark Consuelos, Robbie Amell
Learn more about NINE LIVES on:Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Hashtag: #NineLives #NineLivesInsiders

Tom Brand (Kevin Spacey) is a daredevil billionaire at the top of his game. His eponymous company FireBrand is nearing completion on its greatest achievement to date – the tallest skyscraper in the northern hemisphere. But Tom’s workaholic lifestyle has disconnected him from his family, particularly his beautiful wife Lara (Jennifer Garner) and his adoring daughter Rebecca (Malina Weissman).

Rebecca’s 11th birthday is here, and she wants the gift she wants every year, a cat. Tom hates cats, but he is without a gift and time is running out. His GPS directs him to a mystical pet store brimming with odd and exotic cats- where the store’s eccentric owner- Felix Perkins (Christopher Walken), presents him with a majestic tomcat, named Mr. Fuzzypants.

En route to present his daughter with her dream pet, a bizarre turn of events finds Tom trapped inside the body of Mr. Fuzzypants. Adopted by his own family, he begins to experience what life is truly like for the family pet, and as a cat, Tom begins to see his family and his life through a new and unexpected perspective. Meanwhile, his family adjusts to life with an odd and stubborn cat, and his son David (Robbie Amell), steps up in ways Tom never expected.
If any hope exists of returning to his family as the husband and father they deserve, Tom will have to learn why he has been placed in this peculiar situation and the great lengths he must go to earn back his human existence.

It's been a while that we host a movie night. Why? Well it's been crazy, some of our members are pregnant, others have been out of the country and or state, others simply working crazy hours at work...Yeah, it's been insane. However, we are slowly getting back into motion and we are thrilled to host Nine Lives!
This movie is not only funny but the fact that we were able to have our very lovable Luna join us was fantastic. If you've noticed from our previous movie nights, Luna is usually in the background as she is very antisocial (haha). However, we were honored to have her host this movie night. As you can see in the picture above she made sure we were watching the movie!

Luna may be antisocial but she really enjoyed her mat provided by Fox Home Ent. Insiders! It was a mission to have her on the "me" section but hey, that's what we love about Luna. She has her way and there is no other way.

In addition of enjoying the movie, we received goodies for Luna such as her new collar and bowl. Again and as you can see in the picture, she was not thrilled to be taken pictures, let alone eat from her bowl.

But with the help of Aurora, Luna decided to take one last picture before we started the movie.

Nine Lives is a cute movie to watch with the family. The message of the movie is to cherish every moment with your love ones as one never knows when it will be your last time to see them. Having money is good but your family is better. And even though sometimes we are really busy with life, we have to learn to enjoy the smallest things in life. Such as having a family movie night! We all had fun and enjoyed the movie, even Luna! See family is important and Nine Lives portrays this.

Once again, thank you Fox Home Ent. Insiders for this fabulous night! As for Luna, she is very grateful for the box!

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