These 2 Kitchen Reference Charts Will Make You A Better Cook

If you visit my blog regularly, you may have already noticed a recent trend of mine. I’ve posted quite a few free printable downloads in my recent blog posts! (And if you aren’t a regular visitor, you can follow the links below to see a few of my most recent printable creations!)

Related: This Is The “Cheat Sheet” That Every Instant Pot Owner Needs

Related: Everything You Need To Make 10 Homemade Spice Mixes In Under An Hour

Well I hope you’re not sick of free printables, because I have two new ones to share with you today! These kitchen references will help make cooking and baking just a little bit easier. Both printables focus on measurements and conversions that can be tricky to remember, especially when you’re in the middle of making a recipe!

Printable #1 – Common Kitchen Measurements “Cheat Sheet”

The other day I was working on a cooking post that required me to make several changes to the recipe amounts. I was having trouble with it because sometimes I find it hard to remember how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon, and how many tablespoons are in a cup, and so on.

I kept having to pull out my phone and double-check on the measurements, and it was driving me crazy! By the end of it, I decided to take matters into my own hands and come up with something helpful I could hang in my kitchen!

So this is what I came up with – my Common Kitchen Measurements “Cheat Sheet!” It’s nothing fancy, but it does the job! Right now I have one taped to the inside of my baking cupboard at home, and another one displayed in a nice frame at our studio. It’s so handy to be able to reference the sheet instead of having to pull out my phone every time! Download your copy using the link below.

Follow the button to the right to download my Common Kitchen Measurements “Cheat Sheet!”

Download! ➔

Printable #2 – Capacity Reference

The second printable I’m sharing today is less of a “cheat sheet” and more of a visual aid. I’m a very visual learner, so the first time I saw this design I wanted one in my kitchen! The letters represent different measurements, so you can easily see how many of one measurement fits inside another measurement.

There are 2 cups in a pint, so 2 “C’s” fit inside a “P.”
And there are 2 pints in a quart, so 2 “P’s” fit inside a “Q.”
And there are 4 quarts in a gallon, so 4 “Q’s” fit inside a “G.”

Clever, right?

With the help of this visual aid, you can also see that there are 4 cups in a quart, 16 cups in a gallon, and so on. I printed out a copy of this printable and hung it right on the fridge, but I think I’ll try to find a spot to hang it on the kitchen wall! You can download your own copy of my capacity reference sheet by following the link below.

Follow the button to the right to download my Capacity Reference Sheet!

Download! ➔

I hope you find these printables as helpful as I do! :-)

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