over50feeling40 featuring pamela lutrell

Beauty Products for Women Over 50 Worth Every Penny

Every now and then, I let you know about products I have discovered which I really like. I live in a very warm, humid climate and controlling the frizzies is important to me. I finally found a product which is worth paying more than lower end hair sprays. REDKEN'S CONTROL ADDICT HAIR SPRAY has the control my hair needs, but isn't too stiff...I can still run my fingers through it. If you have thicker, uncontrollable hair like I do, you might want to give it a try.

In the past I introduced you to a facial serum which was excellent and affordable. Laguna Naturals Vitamin C Serum was a great product, but unfortunately has ceased to be produced. So sad! I have tested around 4 different brands since then, but this AGE DEFYING RETINOL SERUM is the one I like best and it is also a great price! I like the results from using a great serum under my moisturizer.
I recently asked my esthetician to recommend a good under eye concealer for me and this SMASHBOX 24 HOUR WATERPROOF CONCEALER is what she showed me. It really is great. It covers...stays on...and does not settle in wrinkles or creases. In fact, it stays smooth and opens up my eyes more. I am very impressed with it. I have waster a lot of money trying concealers...so it is worth it to me to find one which really works in all areas.
I fell in love with this cologne last July and have worn it every since. This is a woody, musky scent with a hint of tobbaco...and I adore it. You might consider the travel size below if it sounds like something you would like. It is an aroma like none I have worn and lasts all day...I can still get a sense of it into the evening after wearing it at work.



All of these I highly recommend. I discovered them on my own and believe they are worth their prices. Sometimes I waste too much just searching for a great product ....they are out there. I hope this helps!

Enjoy! http://feedsfeedburner.com/blogspot/lsXqk
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