This recipe is sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company.
All opinions are my own.
Salted caramel for the win!
Also: OATS for the win.
And also more specifically: oats with pretzels and chia and flax and caramel and chocolate and sea salt as a snack and dessert — um, yes. Going for the epic major win here.
If you’ve been to my house, our studio, or a workshop here recently, there is a 100% chance that I offered you a peanut butter pretzel energy bite or five because I can’t stop poppin’ these easy, versatile, nutritious little things. I hope you’ve enjoyed this phase of overwhelming love for the peanut butter pretzel energy bites, because friends? Today we level up.
About 3 days ago, I officially graduated from the peanut butter pretzel energy bite obsession to a more sweet, more luscious, more snack-meets-dessert type situation that includes a similarly delicious oat and pretzel base, a layer of chocolate with sea salt on top, and a little golden nugget of soft salted caramel tucked away inside. GOLDEN NUGGET. SOFT SALTED CARAMEL. NO-BAKE. I cannot. Buuut I really, really can. Things are getting serious and delicious.
These little snacky-dessert winners are called No-Bake Salted Caramel Cups, and they remind me of peanut butter cups but a more interesting, sophisticated and homemade version.
The thing I love most about No-Bake Salted Caramel Cups is that there is literally never a bad time for them. I would consider this one of THE MOST universally appealing foods at any time of day. Whatever time of day you’re thinking of right now – it’s gonna work. You really just can’t go wrong.
For example.
Morning treat (hi Saturday morning looking at u), mid-morning snack treat, post-lunch sweet bite, pre OR post workout celebration, afternoon pick-me-up (just try it with a nice creamy, strong latte. I mean, UGH can you even right now?), or probably most likely in our case –> the answer to the question: what will we eat as a bed-time-ish snack while we sit on the couch and watch movies?
Answer: oat and pretzel cups with a little soft salted caramel kiss and a chocolate top hat, with a light, little touch of sea salt fairy dust for good measure.
The thing I love second most about No-Bake Salted Caramel Cups is that they are one of those you-already-have-everything-on-hand recipes, which is my ultimate goal in life and therefore one of the things I strive for with the recipes I share on POY. Our blog tagline should be: recipes that you will actually make in real life. That’s my goal.
And with our beloved oats being right at the core of this recipe, this recipe stays true to that goal.
You can mix and match and make it work with whatever you have on hand — as long as you’ve got the oats as the solid base ingredient (which you obviously do). Being that oats are nutritious, affordable, versatile, and always in the pantry, the oats are the bring-it-all-together mother of this little caramel cups ingredient family.
Annnnd go.
Mwah! Happy Friday, lovely people of the food internet.
I don’t tell you often enough how much I like you. Now have a salted caramel cup.
The post No-Bake Salted Caramel Cups appeared first on Pinch of Yum.