
Celestial Home Decor To Add A Little Magic

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I'm a simple human really, if it comes in a moon and star print, I'll probably want it. I shared some of my celestial favourites on my Instagram the other week and thought that I would compile a longer list on my blog for those who love celestial prints just as much as I do.

Starting with homeware, I've got star and moon printed items throughout my house and I get asked about my Urban Outfitters Moon Phases Garland a lot. It's one of my favourite additions and I feel like my Sass and Belle Moon Black Planter compliment each other perfectly.

You know I love a novelty mug and I've linked The Minty Mountain on Etsy before, so of course I had to feature the Galaxy 22k Gold Starry Night Mug is the round up. Despite being a splurge, it is is so pretty and would be an investment.

I needed a new phone case after years of my previous one getting pretty battered and I wanted one that could be worn all year round. This Personalised Initials Galaxy Case was high up on my wishlist as it looks so dreamy. I feel like it would be a good one to treat yourself to or even as a present for a loved one!

With my birthday coming up, I wanted to treat myself to something and I came across this Celestial Gold Huggies and I've had them sitting in my basket even since. I love that you can mix and match them all and they would always go with every outfit I wear.

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