Stephanie Parker

Sausage Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole

This Sausage Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole is perfect for Christmas morning. It can be made ahead of time and refrigerated until you are ready to pop it in the oven. Christmas morning is hectic enough without having to worry about breakfast. Pop this casserole in the oven when you get up and it will be ready after all the presents are open.

This casserole has all of my favorite breakfast foods. Frozen hash browns, sausage, eggs and cheese. I browed the hash browns prior to putting them in the casserole. I think it helped get the potatoes fully cooked and crispy. Feel free to skip that step if you wish. Also, I used hot breakfast sausage (Tennessee Pride) in this casserole. I think it adds more flavor, but feel free to use all regular breakfast sausage or half regular and half hot.

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