Stewed Chickpeas in the Instant Pot (stovetop method too)

I’ve been using an Instant Pot for over a year now, but this is my first official recipe using it – this one with chickpeas!

I’ve had a lot of requests for pressure cooker recipes. It’s taken me a while to post one, because I just tend to just wing it with the instant pot. But, I have developed a number of Intant Pot recipes, and bringing the first to you today.

My favorite use of the IP is cooking beans. #useyourbean I use the Instant Pot for grains as well, but most often in combination with beans for recipes. It’s probably no surprise that the first bean recipe I want to share with you is one with chickpeas. We use chickpeas and lentils more than any other pulses. Just our family favorites, so it’s natural for me to reach for them for healthy vegan meals.

This recipe is one I will turn to regularly, even though I’ve finished official ‘testing’. It’s just so darn easy! I value that simplicity of preparation so much now. I thought once the girls became older, I’d delve into more intricate recipes again. Not so! As kids get older there is a different kind of busy. So I have no interest in fussy food prep. If you don’t either, you’re in the right place!

I also love the flavor and sauciness of this dish. The onions cook down with the dates into the tomato puree creating this saucy base with an underlying sweetness that offsets the smoked paprika.

It’s so simply delicious, I can eat it straight up. But, we usually have it over cooked quinoa or a brown rice. Any leftovers I freeze or use myself in a vegan lunch bowl. In fact, I’m quite happy to have leftovers, because they become my”lunchovers“!

Stewed Chickpeas link to print/share

2-3 tbsp water (and more if needed; to saute)
2 large or 3 small-medium onions, chopped (about 3 – 3 1/2 cups)
1 1/2 tbsp smoked paprika (I like this brand)
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/8 – 1/4 tsp ground allspice
1/2 tsp (rounded) sea salt
2 cans chickpeas (14 or 15 oz each; rinsed and drained)
2/3 cup pitted dates, chopped
1 jar (680g / 24oz) strained tomatoes (see note)

Add water, onions, paprika, cumin, allspice, and salt in the pressure cooker on saute function. Cook for 6-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, and adding extra water if sticking. Add chickpeas, dates, and tomatoes and stir through well. Turn off saute function, and put on lid. Manually set to pressure cook (high) for 20 minutes. Then, release pressure manually (or allow natural release if you prefer). Stir through, taste, add seasoning if desired, and serve. Serves 4-6 with cooked grain or potatoes (see note).

Tomatoes Note: I really prefer using jarred strained tomatoes (such as this brand) in this recipe. The texture is better than crushed tomatoes, and allows the base to cook down into a more uniform sauce.

Serving Suggestion: Serve over a whole grain like brown rice, millet, or quinoa. Also try over steamed kale, roasted squash, or mashed potatoes.

Stovetop method: If you don’t have a pressure cooker, simply use a large pot to cook on stovetop. Follow instructions to saute. After adding the tomatoes, chickpeas, and dates, bring heat to a boil, then reduce to low. Cover, and cook for 40 minutes, or until dates and onions are fully softened.

NEWS! If all goes well, I’ll be releasing my Oil-Free Salad Dressings ebook next week. I’ll post soon, here’s a sneak peek…

Enjoy! x Dreena

Food photos taken by Nicole Axworthy.

The post Stewed Chickpeas in the Instant Pot (stovetop method too) appeared first on Plant-Powered Kitchen.

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