Nicole Perry

Upper Body + Core Resistance Band Workout

This upper body and core resistance band workout will take you just under 25 minutes to complete. It uses the same structure as last week’s resistance band workout, and is challenging but low-impact (no jumping!). If you’re looking for a full-body burn, you could always do this and the 30-minute lower body workout from last Monday.

Upper Body Core Resistance Band Workout


  • Resistance band loop — I’m using a medium strength resistance band from this set. “Medium” varies by brand of band, but you want something challenging but also big enough to account for the range of motion. The leg sweeps in Circuit 3 will require a larger range of motion so you could always have a couple different bands on hand.

This upper body and core resistance band workout is broken up into three circuits. In each circuit, you’ll get three exercises and go through them four times. Rest for 15 seconds after each set. In other words, do all three exercises back to back then rest for 15.

In the first two circuits, you’ll stay on each exercise for 30 seconds. For the final circuit, you’ll stay on them for 35 seconds. The extra 5 seconds is to account for transition time between the exercises.

As with all workouts, you want to make sure you’re properly warmed up beforehand, and always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed. I have two warm ups to choose from or you can do your own:

Workout Breakdown


See 1:43 in above video for preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Bent Raise with High Row
  • Alternating Shoulder Shaper
  • Shoulder Press with Pull Apart


See 9:43 in above video for preview of the exercises and how to modify.

In this circuit, do all three exercises on the same arm. Alternate arms each set. (So in total, you’ll do this twice on each side.)

  • Lateral Raise
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Plank Row Kickthrough


See 17:42 in above video for preview of the exercises and how to modify.

  • Side Plank Top Crunch – alternate sides each set
  • V Sit Rows
  • Plank Leg Sweeps – alternate sides each set

If you like this upper body & core resistance band workout, I think you’ll also really love this upper body mini band workout.

xo Nicole

The post Upper Body Core Resistance Band Workout appeared first on Pumps & Iron.

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