
EYENLIP Hydrogel Eye Patch Hyaluronic Acid

Hi Everyone!

It has been several days since my last review so a new month and a new review. Today I am here with a very interesting product and this time I am talking about eye patches by the Korean brand Eyenlip. So today I am here with a new review about this product. I am a person that sleeps not very well. I work as a physician and I spent so many hours without sleep almost nothing and believe me sometimes is not because I don´t want to sleep is because I just need to do my work.
So a product for my dark circles and my tired puffy eyes are always welcomed to my life. First I must confess I really like the packaging of this product is very cute the design on the lid. I received this product like part of a collaboration with BeautyNetKorea but all the opinions expressed in this review are based in my own opinion with the product. The eye patches have five versions Salmon Oil & Peptide, Black Pearl, Gold & Snail, Collagen and this one the Hyaluronic Acid.
This is how look the box~
Back Side Box
How to use 1. After cleansing, lightly prepare your skin with toner. 2. Remove the patch using the built-in pliers. 3. Attach the patch to the desired area, such as the eye area or the palm line. 4. After about 20 to 40 minutes, remove the patch and lightly tap the remaining essence to absorb.
EYENLIP Hydrogel Eye Patch Hyaluronic Acid
"Fill-up moisture and take away skin thirst"

Plastic tweezers
Easy to take the eye patches

This is how to look the EYENLIP Hydrogel Eye Patch Hyaluronic Acid on my undereye area
Before and After effect~
PROs and CONs
PROs - Good price - Good aroma - Great moisturizing effect - Juicy effect - Luminous effect - The great number of eye patches
CONs - In many countries, you have to buy this product online - The essence feel something sticky after use
The eye patches are a very useful product for provides moisture to the area of my under the eye. Sincerely that area is very dry and is so delicate that I am always looking for more moisture. These eye patches provide a good quantity of moisturizing effect but I must confess these are slippery which is not funny If you are expecting a relaxing time with these. I really enjoyed how fresh and moisturized and healthy look my puffy eyes after using the patches but like I have some concerns respect to these patches.
One of my principal concerns is the aroma, the aroma of the essence is pretty strong for me and I suffer from allergy so I am not a fan of strong aromas. My second corn is the design of these eye patch. The design doesn´t fit in the area under my eye so is a little annoying when you are applying for the first time or you have several days without using the patch. I like the fact that this contains good ingredients like Sodium Hyaluronate and Extract of Green Tea.
My last concern and the real reason because I am a giving a less star to this product is because after use I feel the area where I applied the patch sticky and I don´t like that sensation. Yeah, the patch makes my undereye feel fresh, healthy and more luminous but for example, If I want to apply sunscreen or BB Cream is too sticky and after applying some of these products the area looks clumsy and cakey. But in overall, this is a pretty good product the refreshing effect is amazing and the price is super affordable. So yeah I would like to try another version. The price is around $20 USD at beautyNetKorea without shipping but for 60 eye patches a guess that is a good deal.
I love it the luminous effect
RATING ★★★★☆
You can buy this and more great cosmetics at ( ^∇^)

And you can buy EYENLIP Hydrogel Eye Patch Hyaluronic Acid HERE
And that was all for this review (๑꒪▿꒪)* This is a very good product and I am happy to have the chance to try a product like this. I hope you enjoyed this review (⌒▽⌒ゞ

Bye Bye!!
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