Shannen♥Heartzs · Mar 12, 2015

DIY Easy No-Sew Crop Top

Summer isn’t here quite yet, but the recent sunshine is a reminder that it will be here soon. Hopefully. In my first ever DIY I will be showing you a super quick and easy way to make a DIY crop top. Instead of buying loads of new clothes for summer you can upcycle your old ones at no cost at all, for beautiful summer fashion.

For this DIY all you will need:

An old top

A pair of scissors

And that is literally the only things you will be needing to achieve this:


1. Find an old T-shirt you are willing to sacrifice for this DIY.

2. Grab a pair of scissors and fold your t-shirt in half, as shown in the image. Folding and creating a crease halfway will aid you in the next step.

3. Turn your top over so the back is facing you. Now cut along the dotted lines I have marked on the image.

4. Now turn back over to the front of the top. You are going to cut straight down the middle following the dotted lines I have marked. Again, this step is easier if you fold the top and make a crease. This crease will act as a guideline for where you need to cut.

5. Your top should now look something like this. Don’t worry if your cuts aren’t entirely straight, they will all be covered when you put the top on.

6. Now put the top on as if it is a waistcoat. Next you will need to cross the two lengths over as shown in image.6.

7. Once you have the two lengths crossed over, pull them behind your back and double knot.

8. You now have your crop top to style as you like.

Thank you for reading. I hope this DIY was helpful for you. If you have any suggestions for more DIY’s please do let me know in the comments below.

Have a lovely day,



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