Shwin & Shwin · Sep 8, 2014

Flowy Raglan Tee || Pattern Hack

While I was browsing one of my favorite clothing stores ( I saw a shirt that I absolutely loved. The price really wasn’t bad (around 25 bucks) but I was on the fence about it. Then when I was sifting through my fabrics and I had just used this butter soft chiffon for another project (coming soon) and it dawned on me, I could totally make that top in lighter color. Which Abbey would like more since grey is a “boys” color.

So I used See Kate Sews Recess Raglan Tee and With a super quick hack I had a copy of the Zara top, which I really love. It was so easy and the result is so feminine.

I LOVE the flow and the drape and the general softness added to a “baseball” style tee. It’s the perfect match up of masculine and feminine which is perfect for Abbey who is the girly girl who tries to keep up with her brother.

And I love the color, for fall you don’t naturally think of yellow since it seems more spring like, but as all the leaves change and their are bright yellows and oranges everywhere I feel like it fits right in, and it will also work great come spring so that’s just a bonus.

So to do the hack. I cut the pattern out as normal using a white knit. Then I cut out a second front and back piece using the chiffon. To do this I moved the pattern several inches over from the fold line so that the front and back were quite a bit wider than the white under layer would be. I also angled out the side a little, and added several inches to the bottom. (as a note just to not confuse you I did add an extra 2″ of length to the chiffon, the picture shows much more but that is because I also extended the length for the under layer because Abbey has a long torso, so what looks like 6″ added is not actually 6″ )

Then run a basting stitch along the neckline curve and pull to gather. Spread the gather to fit the neckline evenly. Sew in place to secure the gathered layer to the main piece. Then also baste the pieces together along the sleeve edge. Repeat for the back piece as well.

Then since the pieces were basted together I sewed the rest of the top just following the pattern instructions. The chiffon is a little challenging to hem but I followed the same tips I shared HERE and it wasn’t so bad.

The same steps would work with any lightweight fabric, like a voile, or rayon, or silk, the list can go on really. You could also use a tulle like the original, I just find it hard to find a soft tulle most are stiff and scratchy.

I just loved the look and kind of want to make one for myself now as well. The way the wind catches the flowy layer is just so pretty.

Abbey really liked how soft it was, the combination of soft knit and buttery chiffon was just a dream.

Pattern || Recess Raglan || See Kate Sew

Fabric || White knit || Yellow Chiffon || Joann Fabric (the chiffon was a red tag fabric)

Jeans || Old Navy

Shoes || GAP

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