Oh baby...Custom Wipe Cases (And a 13 FREE Silhouette Studio Cut Files)

Oh baby, your diaper bag isn't fully stocked without a custom vinyl or fabric-covered wipe case. Am I right, here? I mean come on you can't just have a plain old boring white or green cases. No way, man mom!

And if you're not a mom toting around a bunch of baby wipes...don't click outta here yet! I've got some ideas for using these wipe cases even without a baby in tow!

I grabbed these blank wipe cases (6 for $10) from my favorite blank supplier, Punch Place Plus, and in just a few minutes made them all purrrty!
I cut a few on patterned vinyl and the anchor case I just cut a bunch of various size anchors on three different colors and then randomly placed them on the case with the help of some clear transfer tape.

If you're more of a fabric lover, cover the the blank wipe cases with fabric and ribbon for extra fanci-ness!

But, but, but I don't carry wipes, you're saying. Do not worry. Wipe cases for babies are like so last week. So You Think You're Crafty shared this wipe case-turned-clutch that is straight up genius!

Or if you do have kids, they're just out of the wipe-phase (can I get an AMEN?!), how about using a wipe case to store crayons neatly for restaurant visits or the doctor's office waiting room or creating a travel lego kit (Mommy Testers Blog)?!

See! I told you you need to make yourself a custom wipe case...which is why I'm sharing not only the free wipe case cut file with you today BUT Punch Place Plus has TWELVE different designs that you can download for free to fit the wipe cases! I know...now grab a wipe and wipe up your drool.

You good now? Got your excitement under control? Awesome.

So go here to download the free wipe case cut file and then click the graphic below to download any or all of the 12 designs.

Click here to see what else I've made with blanks from Punch Place Plus...

Shop Punch Place Plus' wide selection of blanks

What is your favorite 'blank' to decorate with vinyl? Leave a comment below.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing products through my links, I receive a small commission. That's what helps fund Silhouette School so I can keep buying new Silhouette-related products to show you how to get the most out of your machine!

Thanks for coming to class today at Silhouette School. If you like what you see, I'd love for you to pin it!

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