simply organized · Aug 20, 2014

Simple DIY…on Video: How To Hang A Heavy Mirror

Happy Wednesday! I've been in and out of blogland lately because this is our last week of summer vacation. School begins next week for the boys, so I've got the usual going on prepping the house and kids for all things back to school. Just because I haven't been around these parts often, doesn't mean I'm not projecting up a storm around here….and creating more project lists. Just wait - once school begins you'll have to beat me off with a stick!

One thing I have at the top of my home improvement / project list is wall hangings. I'm tired of bare walls or walking past pieces that are randomly leaning against a wall. Many of you have asked me how I hang things on a wall, and I promised you a video series. Guess what? Today I have the first installment in this series for you - how to hang a heavy mirror.

And it's heavy, my friends. Pretty too!…

Scored this beauty at my local Home Goods store. I popped into the store to look for a rug for Aiden's room. To my surprise, I found both a mirror and a rug!

I had a huge empty wall in the master bathroom just begging for a full-length mirror. Not that I enjoy seeing my full reflection, but there are definitely times when one needs to see them-self full-length in an outfit. The master closet doesn't have a wall for a mirror of this size, so this spot was great.

I love the mirror details too…


The mirror is 30 x 40, but the frame adds a lot of inches around the edge. And it's so heavy! But I hung this baby all by myself and got it on video to share with all of you! Check this out…

If you have a mirror leaning against a wall or hidden away somewhere in your house, get it up on the wall. And see how beautiful you really are each day!

(I linked up with Tatertots & Jello)
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