Taralynn McNitt

25 Day Spring Fitness Challenge + Healthy Eats

We only have about twenty more days until Spring officially begins, but it’s already feeling like Spring in the south. I have gone through a pretty stressful week, and there is nothing better than a great fitness challenge to motivate me and get me back on track. I decided to write out my plan just in case any of you would like to follow along with me! Like all of my previous challenges, you can follow my updates on Instagram @simplytaralynnfitchallenge. Just don’t forget that I’m not certified, so make sure you get the OK from your doctor before trying out any of my routines. I like to post my plans for inspiration, and ideas, so kick butt at your own risk.

This challenge isn’t going to be easy, and that is why it’s called a “challenge.” If you are looking for an easier or more flexible plan, check out some of my previous fitness challenges! As you may know, I’m running my first half marathon in 59 days. I’m feeling more ready and excited than I’ve ever felt, and most of those feelings are because of the pep talks from my readers. This challenge has a mixture of my running schedule circuits. If you’re not a runner, IT’S OK! You can still kick butt at this challenge. If you’re wanting to start running, this is a great opportunity for you to get started. If you need some running motivation or don’t know where to start, check out my running post!

Just remember, this challenge was created for my activity level in mind, so if it’s too much, just make some changes! Walk instead of run, cut the circuits in half, add in some rest days, and customize it for your activity level! & Don’t forget to get the OK from your doctor before doing anything too strenuous.

Why do you want to do a challenge?
I want to do this challenge to stay motivated. Summer is just around the corner, my race is in 59 days, and I want to be the strongest I can be. I want to stay on track with clean eats, and get myself to feeling confident. I have that winter cloud over my head right now, and it’s time to let it go!

How do you plan on staying motivated?
I love to keep track of my workouts, my meals, and thoughts along the way. I post them on the blog and social media. I also love following others who are doing challenges for inspiration. Sometimes I get on Instagram and I’m instantly inspired by seeing someone else’s progress. My friends love fitness (thank goodness) so they will hold me acountable and do some of the workouts with me. Someone should invent a workout buddy app!

Goals for this challenge?
I don’t want to skip any days at all. I also want to stop buying so many snacks. My freezer is filled with Minion fruit snacks, and I feel like a ten-year-old with some of my choices. Must stop it! I want to drink more water, more green tea, and snack on fruit and vegetables.

My Week One Grocery List:
*you can make dairy free, nut free, gluten free, or any kinds of substitutions. This is just what I will be buying and eating.*

WEEKLY LIST: Bananas, Apples, Avocado, Head of Lettuce, Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Spinach, Kale, Mixed Green Lettuce, Green Beans, Whole Grain Bread (I use Udis) Grapefruit, Strawberries, Pineapple, Lemon Blueberries, Cheerios, Bacon (Turkey or pork), Greek Yogurt (I use Dannon Greek Light & Fit), Goat Cheese, 98 % Fat Free Ground Turkey, Brown Rice, Carrots, Hummus, Turkey (Applegate), Chicken, Cottage Cheese, Dark Chocolate Chips, Eggs, Light Balsamic Dressing, Walnuts, Vanilla Protein Powder, Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, Coffee, Tea.

**This is what I will be eating. Make sure to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before making any drastic diet changes** This is just a meal plan you can use as a base to build with. Add more or fewer calories, more or fewer carbs, or anything you wish.

8 AM Breakfast:
2 Slices Bacon, 1 Slice Toast 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Eggs (add any veggies you want), 1 Serving Fruit (Coffee or Tea)
11 AM Snack: 1/2 Cup Cheerios 1 Serving Greek Yogurt
1 PM Lunch: 1 Cup Baby Carrots, 1/2 Cup Cucumbers, 2 Tablespoons Hummus, 1/2 Cup Cottage Cheese Lettuce Wrap (1 serving Applegate Turkey Slices, 1 Slice Bacon, Yellow Mustard, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers)
3 PM Snack: Protein Shake: 2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder, 1/2 Frozen Banana, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Cup Water, Blended!
6 PM Dinner: Grilled Chicken Salad: 6 Ounces Grilled Chicken, Tomatoes, Goat Cheese, Spinach, 2 Hard Boiled Egg Whites, Avocado With Light Balsamic Dressing.
7 PM Dessert: Tbsp Dark Chocolate chips 1 Tbsp Chopped Walnuts
NUTRITION: 1500 Calories, 130g Carbs, 50g Fat, 127g Protein, 20g Fiber, 47g Sugar

8 AM Breakfast:
Blueberry Banana Egg Pancakes (recipe here) 1 Serving Greek Yogurt (Coffee or Tea)
11 AM Snack: 1 Serving Almonds 1/2 Cup Cottage Cheese
1 PM Lunch: 6 Ounces Grilled Chicken, 1 Slice Bacon, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Goat Cheese Wrapped in Lettuce 1/2 Grapefruit
3 PM Snack: Protein Shake: 2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder, 1/2 Frozen Banana, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Cup Water, Blended!
6 PM Dinner: 4 Ounces Ground Turkey, 1 Cup Green Beans (or other cooked green veggies), 1/2 Cup Brown Rice or Quinoa
7 PM Dessert: Tbsp Dark Chocolate chips 1 Tbsp Chopped Walnuts
NUTRITION: 1400 Calories, 160g Carbs, 35g Fat, 128g Protein, 18g Fiber, 43g Sugar

8AM Breakfast:
Vegetable 2-egg omelet, 1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice Toast 1 TBSP Peanut Butter
11 AM Snack: 1 Cup Blueberries 1 Serving Greek Yogurt
1 PM Lunch: Ground Turkey over a Vegetable Goat Cheese Salad
3 PM Snack: Protein Shake: 2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Powder, 1/2 Frozen Banana, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Cup Water, Blended!
6 PM Dinner: Grilled Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice or Quinoa, & 2 Cups Cooked Green Vegetables.
7 PM Dessert: Tbsp Dark Chocolate chips 1 Tbsp Chopped Walnuts
NUTRITION: 1500 Calories, 140g Carbs, 38g Fat, 131g Protein, 16g Fiber, 48g Sugar

**When I’m trying to eat clean, I like to keep my meals easy and realistic. I also like them to be repetitive because it saves money. I buy what I need, what I plan on eating, and quick fixes. I will most likely eat the same meals six days in a row. I like to give myself one free day. My free days will consist of healthy eats, just not planned ones. I also like to drink lemon tea throughout the day. These are meals you can food prep on Sunday, pack for work, or wherever you plan on going**

Don’t forget to change up the workouts to FIT your fitness level. You don’t want to overdo it! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments! If you are unsure about some of the workouts, googling movements helps a lot. There are a lot of tutorials on youtube.

You will notice a lot of miles in the workouts. There is nothing better than going out for long walks or runs, especially this time of year. This month’s goal is high mileage. If you have a tracker, try to walk throughout the day. Get up as much as possible. Walk early in the morning, late in the evenings, or whenever you can find the time.

I also wanted to make a workout plan that you could do anywhere! All you need is a jump rope, dumbbells (everyone should own a pair) yoga mat, and shoes! If you want some cheap workout equipment, check out TJMAXX!

Please follow along on the fitness page for motivation! Tag me in your workouts and eats! If you need to, print this workout and post it on your fridge!

I hope this plan can help dig you out of your rut, inspire you to challenge yourself, but if not, I hope you enjoyed the read

Questions for you!

  1. Are you IN or Out?
  2. What are your Spring Fitness goals?
  3. What is the hardest part about sticking to a plan, and how can you change that?

The post 25 Day Spring Fitness Challenge Healthy Eats appeared first on Simply Taralynn.

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