Kate Bryan

Dutch Braid Messy Bun Hair Tutorial

I was out to dinner with some girlfriends a few weeks ago and I arrived a few minutes late. I slid into the booth and jumped right in to the conversation. Then, upon leaving, my friend Ashley said, “OH I didn’t even notice your hair was braided in the back!” so I joked about it being a surprise braid hairstyle.

What I like the most about this is it is the easiest way to style your hair when you either don’t feel like styling it OR it’s too dirty to wear down. The braid keeps it interesting, and the messy bun means it’s casual and undone.

If you would like to learn how to dutch braid, watch this! And here is a tutorial for tips on how to stretch out your braids a bit!

I’m wearing this top, these earrings, and this lipstick in “too bad I’m bad”.

p.s. this stripe tank would look so cute under a cardigan, and how cute are these pink mules?

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