jenny moors

Stampin' Up! Second Release Sale a Bration

Hello Everyone,
I don't know about you but I am so ready for Spring to arrive....
So I have some soft spring like crafting for you today.
From the 16th February - next week - Stampin' UP! are releasing a second lot of Sale a Bration products which are free with an order over £45.
I have been playing with the Spring Foil Designer paper which is one of the new products that will be available from the 16th February.
I loved the look of this card in the new catalogue so decided to try and case it. The only bit of stamping is the sentiment from the Rose Wonder stamp set in soft suede every thing else is the new foil designer paper added to a lots of label cut in white.

There are three sheets of these lovely embossed flowers, so I coloured in a few with my stampin blends in pink pirouette and old olive, the papers are gorgeous for colouring in with the blends.
I made another one of my baskets, see my previous post for measurement and video tutorial.

All the cards are powder pink. I used another freebie coming the Basket Weave embossing folder.

Have you ever looked at the samples in the catalogues for casing them, give it a try its an idea book after all.

The Baket Weave is a dynamic embossing folder, which gives such a deep impression.

Let me know if you would like a catalogue,
Thanks for looking, Jenny:-)xx

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