Studio Calico Blog · Mar 18, 2017

LOTW | Bea

Our Layout of the Week, Go and See the World, comes from our member Bea (username VBeata). Bea's gorgeous layout stood out in the gallery with its bright colors, bold font, and world map cut file! To keep up with Bea and see more of her work, be sure to follow her here at SC and on her blog.

Here's what Bea has to say about her project:

LIVE MOREits just a perfect title for a summer memory! This is what we like the mostexploring the treasures of the world! This layout features most of my favorite techniques and things: the bright colors, a cut file I designed myself, painting with watercolor, and stitching. The world map cut file reminds me of the many places we have to visit in the future!

Congratulations, Bea! More members added this project to their inspiration books for the week of 3.7 - 3.13 than any other, making it our Layout of the Week! You have won a $10 gift card to be used on any new purchase at Studio Calico. Want a chance to win next week? We love our creative community, and invite you to be a part of it. Share your work in the Studio Calico member gallery, and don't forget to take the time to add your favorites to your own inspiration book.


We have a new challenge winner—CONGRATS!! If your name is on this list, you'll be getting an email from us with info about your prize. Thank you again to all who take part in our challenges and giveaways!

3.5 Sketch | Jeffiners

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