Studio DIY · Dec 22, 2014

DIY Clock Balloons for New Year’s Eve

With my late start on Christmas, New Year’s Eve didn’t get as much love here this year BUT I did get one good one in for Balloon Time! I made some clock balloons to help you count down to midnight! Set them to all different times, or all just before midnight… and use them as decor, a photo booth backdrop or anything your champagne popping heart desires! For the full tutorial, head right here!

All Photos by Mary Costa Photography

White Mylar Balloons / Gold Letter Balloons

On a little, personal side note… One year ago tomorrow, I announced my partnership with Balloon Time! I can hardly believe it’s been a year that I’ve been crafting balloon projects with them… and am SO excited to continue in 2015! It’s pretty darn awesome to partner with a company that couldn’t be a more perfect fit for my brand. And I’m glad to be ending a great year and starting a new one with them! I’ll be back with one quick post tomorrow and then it’s holiday time!!

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