The Styling Dutchman · May 27, 2014

Green Grecian Dress

Grecian off the shoulder dress: Zara - sandals: can't remember - silver hoop earrings, sunglasses: H&M
pictures by Nathalie

One great tip I'd like to share with you guys is to check your closet for your favourite pieces, the ones you always return to, even after years of owning them. What silhouettes do you feel prettiest in, regardless of trends? What fabrics feel best on your skin? And importantly: which brands made the clothes that you keep wearing? This is usually a great guideline for future shopping, as it guarantees you to buy garments that you will love for a long time. For me, Zara is one of those brands, and pretty, comfortable dresses just above kneelength featuring a defined waist are the spring/summer items I keep wearing over and over. Case in point: this grecian style silk smock dress from Zara, which has been a part of my summer wardrobe for five (!) years. Let me prove it to you by showing this picture from the second summer I had this dress.

(original post can be found here)
COOL RIGHT? Come to think of it, I still wear those shoes too. I'm not so fashion-fickle after all.

Do you have any brands/silhouettes/garments that have served you well over the years?

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