Sugarlaws · Feb 21, 2014

IKEA Hemnes Dresser DIY!

I’m not completely finished with our nursery yet, but I wanted to share one of my most exciting projects with you guys: this DIY dresser!

So, let me make this fully clear: I do not consider myself a crafting wizard. Most DIY projects are way too tricky and time-consuming for me, and I tend to generally avoid them. But this one is just so easy, I felt like it would be cruel if I didn’t share it!

(Also, I have a secret weapon: my father in law is incredibly handy, and lives 20 minutes away, which is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. It means that when I start being all “I wonder if it’s safe to inhale spray paint at four months pregnant,” my awesome mother and father in law swoop in and remove the paint can from my general proximity ASAP!)

But even without handy in-laws, this is one you guys can attempt at home! I love IKEA furniture — once it’s constructed, don’t get me started on the actual assembly process — but sometimes it tends to be a little bit… plain. It’s pretty and it’s well-built, but their designs are sometimes just too simple for my taste.

Which means that it’s time to dress them up!

For this project, you need:

A set over Overlays. I bought the Anne set for the Hemnes dresser, which is available here.

The IKEA Hemnes dresser ($299, available here)

Liquid Nails

Double-Side Mounting Tape, to use while you’re spray painting the Overlays

Spray Paint

Dresser Knobs (I found mine on eBay here)

My step-by-step photos are below, but I also have a few tips you should know about!

First, when you spray paint the Overlays, use the mounting tape (make sure it’s the removeable kind) to elevate them slightly from whatever they’re resting on (we used cardboard). That way, you can spray paint the sides of the overlays more easily, and they won’t stick to the backdrop.

Also, when you’re attaching the Overlays to the drawers, use only a small amount of Liquid Nails, because you don’t want to get any on the rest of the dresser.

Other than that, this is a pretty quick, easy DIY project that produces an amazing, gorgeous result!

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