Interactive Periodic Tables & Games

When I learned about the Periodic Table it was from a purple mimeographed copy (remember those old friends?) and a page in our old, outdated textbook.
Today there are so many fabulous interactive versions to bring the Periodic Table alive!
Here are a few of my favorites:
This Periodic Table from is fabulous!
Mousing over an element gives you quite a bit of information at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on the element give you even more information: has a neat version of The Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures and Words.

The Periodic Table of Elements by Google is a cool one that includes elements size by their frequency in the Earth's crust.

The Periodic Table of Comic Books is AWESOME! You simply click on an element to see a list of comic book pages involving that element.

Clicking on the thumbnail opens the comic to be read. So fun!

Once students have learned the elements on the Periodic Table, this online Periodic Table Challenge is a great way to assess their learning.

ABPI Schools also has a great Interactive Periodic Table game that's good for review.

Fossweb has a neat Periodic Table of the Elements game that even will give you hints as you play.

PBS Learning has a wonderful Periodic Table page that includes an interactive table, mystery elements, and chemical bonds.

This page from TEDEd- Periodic Videos- is AMAZING! There is a lesson for every single element on the periodic table!
Clicking on an element opens the video to play and gives you a link to the full lesson.

Check out my list below of 25 great Periodic Table Resources!
Interactive Periodic Tables & Games
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