Kari Hansen Sweeten

How to Organize your UFO’s

Now many of you are thinking, “What in the world does a UFO have to do with crafting?”

Let me tell you.

In the crafting world, especially among quilters, there is a term used to describe the many unfinished projects that are left behind or forgotten. These projects are known as “UFO’s” and the acronym stands for unfinished objects or projects. If you’re a crafter you probably have many UFO’s lying around your home or craft space!

Life happens. Priorities come up and those creative projects get to sit on the back burner. It happens to all of us! I’m a pro at piling up the UFO’s. My biggest reason for letting them pile up is because I get too excited to start a new project without waiting to finish my current one. I have a problem. I cannot even count all of my UFO’s! Let’s talk about the different kinds of unfinished projects that are common.

Examples of UFO’s might include:

  • quilt tops without backings and bindings
  • supplies you sorted to make a pretty piece of jewelry that is still lying around in a baggie
  • half-painted art on a canvas that is hidden in the back of the room
  • a scrapbook that has a few layouts created and a container of photos lying next to it
  • printables lying around that you’ve been meaning to frame or display
  • a pile of yarn projects as high as your new balls of yarn
  • and many other examples are out there! (feel free to share yours in comments below!)

Why do we hold onto projects that we haven’t looked at for months, years, or even decades?

Reasons crafters hold on to their UFO’s:

  • the supplies were expensive (“How can I get rid of that?”)
  • was excited about project in the beginning, but no longer have the same style or taste.
  • was making it as a gift, but birthday/wedding/event passed
  • thinks project wasn’t good, but will fix it someday now that I’m more skilled.
  • told someone I would make this for them, but can’t get the motivation to finish it.
  • plans to finish it someday when I have more time (this is the most popular excuse and my personal favorite!)

How to Organize or Let Go of Your UFO’s

So…what do we do with all of these projects? Some of them might cause us actual anxiety when we look at them. We might get upset with all the space they take up or even feel hopelessness at every finishing them because they’ve been around for so long. I promise you that you’ll feel better and be more inspired to create what you love when you let go of some of those UFO’s – even though it might be difficult or out of your comfort zone.

Keep It or Let It Go?

Ask yourself these 3 questions.

  1. Do you love this project and are you excited to work on it again?
  2. Does this project hold true sentimental value to me?
  3. Do you see yourself working on or finishing the project this year?

If you answered yes to any of the above question – KEEP it.

If you answered no to questions #1 or #3 LET IT GO. Give it away, sell it, or in some cases trash it. You can do it. It will free up space in your life and will inspire you to create. You got this!

Unfinished to Finished!

The good news? After you’ve asked yourself the above questions and you have decided which projects have made the “KEEP IT” test, you can turn those unfinished projects into finished projects with a plan!

Print this sheet out today. Make a list of any supplies needed or steps to take to finish your project. Decide on a completion date. Stick to it!

Download: Project Plan Sheet

Do you have some tips and tricks or any advice to share about your unfinished projects? Please share below in the comments!

POST BY: Kari Sweeten

The post How to Organize your UFO’s appeared first on U Create.

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