Samsung’s 146-inch modular The Wall TV will be available this August

Samsung has announced that its modular TV, The Wall, that it showed off at CES earlier this year will be available to buy this August. No price has been announced yet, although it seems safe to say that it’ll be up there as one of Samsung’s more expensive TV sets.

The Wall uses MicroLED technology, which Samsung claims offers similar picture quality to OLED displays but with better lifespans. Samsung is also highlighting the modular nature of The Wall; since the entire display is made up of smaller MicroLED panels, The Wall can be almost any size that customers want, whether that’s a massive 146-inch display like the one that Samsung showed off at CES, or some more unique aspect ratios like 4:3 or even 1:1, depending on your particular needs.

Given the customizable nature of The Wall and the technology it uses, chances are it won’t be cheap when it does come out this summer.

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