
The Delicious Vegan Foods Lizzo Eats To Feel Good as Hell

As if serving up inspiration and epic music wasn’t enough (anyone else wish they took flute in band?), Lizzo is gifting the world with her own personal healthy food recs. ICYMI, Lizzo went vegan about a month ago and judging by her TikToks, she’s gotten pretty into the plant-based life.

The singer has started sharing the foods she makes that keep her energized and as you can imagine, they look pretty delish. (Can you picture Lizzo compromising on what she wants? Def not.) TBH, if I could move through my days with even a fraction of Lizzo’s energy and attitude, I’d be happy. Outlined here are the vegan foods Lizzo likes eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that make her feel great. (Specifically, “very lit and full.”)

Keep reading to see a day in the life on Lizzo’s vegan diet.


@lizzo as a new vegan im enjoying exploring flavors from plants & plant based proteins! Every journey is personal & deserves to be celebrated♬ Wii – Mii Channel – Super Guitar Bros

It’s not a huge surprise Lizzo has jumped on board the smoothie train—you know girl likes her juice! Her go-to smoothie recipe is super simple: just coconut water, kale or spinach, and frozen fruit. She proves that there’s no need to get tripped up about fancy powders or hard-to-find herbs. But it’s worth noting that without any protein in that glass, chances are this smoothie will leave you hungry shortly after drinking it, so you may want to add some vegan yogurt or plant-based protein powder to yours.

For a breakfast that does deliver on the protein front, Lizzo likes using Just Egg ($5), a vegan egg replacement made of mung beans, with some beans and corn. She throws all the ingredients on a skillet and adds spinach and vegan cheese once it’s almost done cooking. She seasons everything with smoked paprika, which is linked to lowering inflammation. Serve with a side of vegan bacon and you have yourself a hearty breakfast that’s 100 percent vegan.


@lizzoWhat I eat in a day again ♬ Marry Me (feat. Toya Wright) – Rasheeda

Lizzo has 100 percent mastered the vegan BLT. She uses multigrain bread (which is higher in fiber), vegan mayo, plant-based bacon, lettuce, tomato, pickle, and avocado for added creaminess and healthy fats. To up the fiber even more, she serves it with a little spinach salad topped with strawberries and vegan cheese. Now that’s a sandwich.

In another video, the singer also shared a salad that she loves to make, which includes chopped kale, red cabbage, broccoli, white onions, carrots, and sliced avocado.


“I used to eat a bunch of Hot Cheetos but that was not good for my acid reflux,” Lizzo says in one of her food videos. Instead for snacking, she loves Lesser Evil Grain Free Paleo Puffs ($26 for pack of six) as a “Cheeto alternative,” dipped in hummus.


@lizzoJust discovered the voice over button its over 4u bitchs ♬ original sound – lizzo

It turns out that Lizzo is a low-key gardener and grows her own herbs, which she then uses in her meals, like this soup. It’s made with vegetable broth, chopped cauliflower, and mixed veggies. She boils everything on the stove, blends it all up, seasons it with turmeric, garlic powder, onion powder, and paprika. Then, she transfers it back to the stove and adds in brown rice pasta and cabbage. Done and done.

There you have it—a whole day’s worth of delicious vegan meal ideas straight from Lizzo. Clearly, you don’t need meat to live a delicious life. Sorry carnivores, truth hurts!

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