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whoswhoandnew.blogspot.com · Nov 5, 2014

Fraction Fun!

Hi friends! It's Molly from Lucky to Be in First here to share a fun math idea! I get bored doing the same workbook pages, so I like to mix things up now and again! To make fractions a little more fun, we make fraction pictures!

To prep, I just cut up a ton of colors and store in cups for easy clean up! I used 1.5 inch squares, but any size will do!

Before gluing, the students had to lay out their picture first {or disasters can happen!}

Once they glued all their pieces, they counted up the total number used and broke it down into colors for their fractions! I love the uniqueness of each person!

Click {here} to snag this freebie! If there are too many lines listed, just have your kids snip off what they don't need!

Last year we made Fraction Flowers and those turned out adorable, too!

Click {here} for that freebie!
Hope you can use these freebies for some fun math in your class, too!

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