Carrie Harwood


Over the Bridge

On one of the boiling hot days in New York, Reem and I filled up on breakfast before embarking on a walk over the Williamsburg Bridge to Brooklyn. I’d done this walk several times before with Miguel, but this time it felt like it went on for miles as the sun beat down on the tarmac.

After what felt like far too much sun exposure, we moseyed down Bedford Avenue, popping in cool-looking boutiques and planning where we would come back for dinner. But first on the agenda was meeting up with a blogger that I hope you already know and love, Noelle.

It’s always odd meeting somebody that you’ve talked to online and have seen so many pictures of – you already feel like you know each other, so the conversation flowed to and from blogging, food and politics as I munched on a giant pancake (more on that in the next post!)

Reem and I made the most of having an extra person with us to get a couple of snaps of us together – you probably hear me talk about her more than I talk about Miguel, so it’s only fair I prove that we do in fact know each other. Ta-da!

I still feel like I’ve not quite cracked Brooklyn – there is so much I’m yet to discover and a lot of land I haven’t covered, but it definitely wasn’t going to happen after walking miles in the 30 heat. But that’s okay, it just means I have more to look forward to on my next trip.

More from NYC coming up x

What I Wore…

Dress – ASOS | Sunglasses – Sunday Somewhere | Shoes – Converse | Bag – Brandy Melville (similar)

The post Brooklyn appeared first on WishWishWish.

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