Caroline Makepeace

7 Helpful Tips for Visiting The Grand Canyon in Winter

Visiting the Grand Canyon in winter is not something many people would consider.

But as we discovered on our RV road trip across the USA, it made for a unique and extraordinary experience.

There are some pros and cons to visiting the Grand Canyon in the winter, which we’ll outline below.

I think it’s fantastic to visit at any time of the year. It’s one of the seven natural wonders of the world, possibly the most famous National Park in the world.

It’s 277 miles long, one mile deep, and 18 miles wide and shaped by the master chisel, the Colorado River. I could just stare at it all day long and never be bored or blasé about it.

It’s really is a sight to behold and Grand Canyon snow can add a little more drama for your eyes and adventures.

2019 is also the 100th birthday of the Grand Canyon as a National Park. We know it is way older than that, try 6 million years of carving by the canyon through 2 billion year old red rock.

Impressive to say the least.

And the beauty of it is the majority of the park is inaccessible by humans and so it maintains its pristine state. Victory for Mother Earth!

1. Pros to Visiting the Grand Canyon in Winter

Less People

There were quite a few times when we were the only people gazing at the wonders of the Grand Canyon Arizona. It felt like we had the entire Desert View Drive to ourselves.

We only saw a handful of people and most of them were at the end at the popular Desert View Watchtower.

I can’t imagine how busy the popular view points like Mathers Point and Hopi Point at sunset would get during peak season as it felt too busy when we were there with hundreds less people visiting the Grand Canyon.

South Rim Trail

Remember this is a National Park that gets 5 million visitors a year.

When do you think most of them are visiting?

This also means restaurants within the park won’t be busy and you can pretty much walk straight into a table.

And traffic won’t be an issue, nor will lining up for the free shuttle buses etc.


The Grand Canyon South Rim is open all year round and receives 90% of the park’s visitation. But the North Rim is closed during the winter, and is only open from mid-May through mid-October.

Easier to Find Accommodation and Cheaper

Kachina Lodge on the South Rim

The accommodation within Grand Canyon National Park can be booked out for the warmer seasons 12 months in advance.

Craig’s sister booked her stay at Kachina Lodge almost a year before visiting the Grand Canyon in September with Craig and the girls. He was a late booker and had to stay in the nearby town of town of Tusayan at the Grand Canyon Plaza Hotel, 15 minutes outside the park.

In January, we stayed at the Yavapai Lodge for three nights (hosted) and there was plenty of availability. I enjoyed staying right near the rim of the Grand Canyon. More on that below.

Low season means you may be in a better position to snag some accommodation deals.

Hermits Rest Scenic Drive is Open

During the months of November to March, the Hermits Rest Scenic Drive is open to the public.

This is fantastic as the only other way you can visit all the scenic Grand Canyon viewpoints and walks along the west side of the South Rim is to catch the shuttle, walk, or ride your bike.

Hermit’s Rest Drive is 7 miles one way.

I loved being able to take my time in my own vehicle on my own schedule at each of the stop offs to appreciate the Grand Canyon.

Hot Tip:

If you do visit when this road is closed to the public, either walk sections of it or ride your bike.

If you don’t want to do the return walk – understandably as 14 miles return is a lot, especially with kids – then hike or bike one way and catch the shuttle back – you can take bikes on the shuttle.

In my opinion, it would be hugely annoying waiting for the shuttle to come at each stop and then lining up to get on. It could add hours and extra stress to your day.

Pretty and Unique Perspective

Bright Angel Trail

Pink, red and orange rugged cliffs covered in a dusting of snow – could a natural wonder get more beautiful?

I loved seeing the unique perspective of the Grand Canyon covered in snow.

On the day we left a three day snow storm had started. Sadly we didn’t get to see more of the canyon covered in snow during the snow storm as visibility was poor, but there was enough during our previous three days there to appreciate and make the trip worthwhile.

What kid doesn’t love playing in the snow?

The girls had a blast throwing snowballs at each other along the Rim Trail and Savannah was thrilled to throw snowballs into the canyon.

We also loved seeing herds of mule deer grazing and chilling in the snow. They seemed to love the snow storm as they were out everywhere when the storm came down.

We didn’t see them nearly as much when it wasn’t snowing.

Visiting in the winter was a memorable experience, and I don’t regret it.

Earlier Sunrises and Sunsets

Hopi Point

The late risers will especially love this aspect of visiting the Grand Canyon in winter. I’m an early riser so not bothered by the earlier summer sunrises, but I know my girls were last year!

As I am an early morning person, I loved that the Grand Canyon sunset time was earlier during the winter.

I hate waiting around for a late sunset. I’m just too tired and I’m ready to relax and wind down by 7pm dinner. For these reasons, I’m one of those people that hates daylight savings!

Give me the extra light in the morning any time.

2. Cons to Visiting the Grand Canyon in Winter

It’s Cold

Grand Canyon South Rim

Okay, let’s state the obvious. It’s freezing during winter in the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon South Rim has an elevation of around 6,800 feet (2,072 meters) so be prepared for the winter chill. If you head down into the canyon it is actually going to get warmer!

If you’re dressed warmly enough, the cold won’t be too much of a bother.

Besides, it’s a great excuse for a hot chocolate, or hot toddy by the fire. Because of the frequent snowstorms it may interrupt your views or take away the opportunity for glorious sunsets and sunrise.

Given that most people visit during the extreme heat of the summer and many get into trouble hiking in the heat, perhaps, if you’re well prepared, hiking into the Grand Canyon is a great idea in the winter months.

But be sure to see my next point though!

All hikes into the canyon will be covered in snow and ice until May

The only real challenge for me visiting the Grand Canyon in January was that all of the hikes going into the canyon were covered in snow and ice.

The beginning of these trails don’t receive much sunlight due to the lower sun. So the snow won’t melt and it just refreezes over night.

No one is going to be out plowing the trails either.

The problem is the beginning part of these treks (and what will be the end when you’re coming back out) is the steepest part with sheer drop offs so it can be a potentially dangerous challenge.

If doing several hikes deep into the canyon is high on your bucket list, winter may not be the best time for you to visit.

UNLESS, you get yourself a good pair of hiking poles and shoe chains to go over your shoes to give you the traction you need on the ice and snow.

We saw LOADS of people on the Bright Angel Trail, still hiking to Plateau Point and some even going all the way to the river to stay at Phantom Ranch.

We even saw one local guide walking back out in flip flips and board shorts!! That was quite the eye opener.

If you intend to do this I highly recommend purchasing your shoe chains and hiking poles before arriving to the Grand Canyon.

We were not prepared and attempted to buy some, but they were all out of our sizes and didn’t have children’s sizes.

See below for the small part of the Bright Angel Trail we did do in the snow.

North Rim is Closed

Craig and I visited the North Rim in 2006. I may have loved it more than the South Rim. There’s way less people and it felt more rugged and raw.

Sadly, most people don’t even visit the North Rim! Sadly, most people only spend on average 17 minutes looking at the Grand Canyon. NOOOOO!

There’s so much more to do.

The North Rim is much higher in elevation so the snowfall is heavier and the roads harder to maintain. So as mentioned, the North Rim is only open from mid-May through mid-October.

The weather may block sunrise and sunset

In contrast to our sunrise and sunset advantage to visit the Grand Canon in the winter, as you get more frequent rain and snow storms during the winter months, it may get in the way of your sunrise and sunset worshipping.

We did not experience a sunrise because of it.

The skies were overcast every morning. We did get to experience one sunset at Hopi Point which was spectacular.

3. What Can You Do in the Grand Canyon During Winter?

Rim Trail: Visitor Center to the Village

The 2.5 mile section of the Grand Canyon Rim Trail between the Visitor Center and the Village is worth doing, especially if you visit the Grand Canyon with kids.

It’s mostly flat the entire way, follows the rim of the canyon and gives you exquisite views. In the winter, it’s a chance to throw snowballs at each other as well.

Take your time to stroll, enjoy the views and learn along the way with the interpretative trails, museums and ranger talks.

Visitor Center 22 minute film

Learn about how the Grand Canyon was formed

When you want to escape the cold, pop into the Grand Canyon Visitor Center at Mather Point to see the 22 minute park film, Grand Canyon – a Journey of Wonder.

It’s a great introduction to the canyon, especially for kids.

I loved the 8 minute Science on a Sphere production which projects the changing Earth through time on a large globe. It really helps you to see how the canyon was formed. My girls were fascinated.

We found the coffee at the Coffee Shop & Grab n’ Go Restaurant to be pretty good.

Get educated with the Junior Ranger Program and more.

My girls were excited to do the Junior Ranger program again! They now have two badges from the Grand Canyon.

Junior Rangers during a September visit

While there, I also purchased another Grand Canyon activity book and two novels centered on the Canyon. I think it’s super important to make education relevant for kids.

How much more relevant can you get?

They LOVED these activity books and the Junior ranger one. They took them with us everywhere and sat quietly every time we ate out to work on hem together.

They learned so much and it was the best decision I made.

I loved how connected they feel to Mother Nature and the role they are taking on to protect and care for her.

They were so well behaved and joyful during our time at the Grand Canyon. I just know this is the nature effect of being around such extraordinary beauty.

It commands your attention, respect and awe.

Be sure to spend time on the Rim Trail. The girls loved watching the years count up and moving from one year old to a billion.

It’s a great way to get some sort of perspective on just how old the Grand Canyon is but still I don’t think our minds can ever comprehend something so old that has been created so slowly.

Fore the girls (even myself) to have the opportunity to sit and gaze at the canyon and visualize how the Colorado River has shaped the land is incredible.

It’s something I’ve never forgotten since my first trip 12 years ago, and I don’t think the girls ever will.

Bright Angel Trail

As mentioned above, this trail was covered in snow and ice. We strapped on our Merrell hiking boots though to experience a bit of it.

We started by going just 10 steps for a look and a photo, sticking close to the canyon wall. Then we walked 10 more steps, then 10 more feeling confident with each steady move forward with the canyon wall at our side.

But we knew if we slid and fell it would be just against the wall. We felt safe in our decision and remained upright for the entire walk.

We ended up getting down onto Heartbreak Hill at about the same place where the girls made in the Fall last year. We could have possibly gone further but we didn’t want to risk it too much.

The Bright Angel Trail is the most popular trail into the Grand Canyon. You can go down as far as you like, noting that it will take you longer to come back out as it can get fairly steep.

Many people make the mile trek to Plateau Point where you can look out over the Colorado River. You feel so close to it down there.

Craig and I hiked there in 2006 during our 4 day Grand Canyon vacation in the brutal heat of summer – it was tough even with a 4am start.

Bright Angel Trail

Experiencing the snow and icy Bright Angel Trail with my girls was an adventure I’ll always remember of our visit to the Grand canon in the winter.

It will possibly be highlight of our entire one year America Unplugged road trip. The girls blew me away with their confidence, responsibility and fearlessness to keep taking a step forward and stretch their comfort zone a little.

We will also never forget the local Arizona guide who was walking back out of the canyon with a couple wearing board shorts and flip flops!!

I guess he’s done this before.

They had come from Phantom Ranch which is an overnight point on the Colorado River at the bottom of the canyon. One for the bucket list of me.

Made me feel a little silly for clutching the canyon wall with trepidation wearing my super grippy, warm and comfortable Merrill hiking shoes.

Things to do on Hermits Rest Scenic Drive

The 14-mile round trip Hermit Road takes you to Hopi, Maricopa and Pima view points.

Once you get out to Hopi Point, the Colorado River comes into view, and on a quiet day at Pima Point, you can hear the roar of the Colorado River as it crashes through Granite Rapid.

Hermits Rest Scenic Drive Viewpoints

  • Trail View Overlook – I LOVED getting a close up look at the Bright Angel Trail here. It gives you a fabulous insight into just how steep and narrow this canyon vein switchbacks down the cliff face onto the plateau. You can also see the lush Indian Gardens from here – yet another side to the Grand Canyon to appreciate. You also get views of the Grand Canyon Village perched on the canyon rim.

  • Powell Point had spectacular wide vistas and you feel really close to the canyon floor. The Powell Memorial at this viewpoint commemorates the 1869 and 1871-72 exploratory trips down the Colorado River by Major John Wesley Powell and expedition crews
  • Mohave Point – More great views and you can see the Colorado River from here
  • Pima Point – is one of the best places on the rim to see and sometimes hear the river.
  • The Abyss – Those afraid of heights may want to slip the Abyss where you get a great look at the almost vertical view into the canyon.
  • Hermits Rest – the end of the trail. Mary Colter, one of Grand Canyon’s most famous architects, built Hermits Rest in 1914 to look like an old miner’s cabin, complete with a giant fireplace and front porch It was blowing a wintery gale when we arrived here so didn’t stay too long for the views. There is a gift shop and small snack bar here and near the start of the Hermit Trail.
Hermits Rest overlook

Hopi Point Sunset

Don’t miss the sunset at Hopi Point. It does get busy (and will be cold) but if you grab a spot in the parking lot you can jump in and out of the car to warm up.

The girls sat in the car while we roamed around and admired the views. The girls had good views out the window and The Beast was happy!

Don’t forget to turn around so you can see the canyon light up in pretty pastel pinks once the sun goes down.

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Happy 100th Birthday to the Grand Canyon as a National Park!⁣ ⁣ I hope you all get the opportunity to visit and appreciate its magnificence at least once in your life.⁣ ⁣ I’ve been twice and would visit again and again. ⁣ ⁣ My dream is to raft the Colorado River and hike rim to rim. ⁣ ⁣ What’s your dream or favorite experience?⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #grandcanyonnationalpark #visitarizona #arizonahiking #findyourpark #arizona #grandcanyon #southrim #nationalparks #grandcanyonsnow #grandcanyonnps #grandcanyonsoutrim #grandcanyontrip #grandcanyonsusnet #thegrandcanyon ⁣ #sunsetsofinstagram #sunsetting #sunsetchaser #chasingsunsets #sunsetsaremyfavorite #sunsetshot #tonightsunset #sunsetskies #addictedtosunsets #sunset_hub #sunset_captures #viewmysunset⁣ ⁣ #sunsets_oftheworld #sunset_vision #instasunsets #ilovesunsets ⁣

A post shared by Caroline Makepeace (@carolinemakepeace) on Feb 26, 2019 at 3:05am PST

Sunrise is also meant to be popular here.

Things to do on Desert View Drive

This 50-mile round trip scenic drive to Desert View and the East Entrance offers some of the best views in the Grand Canyon National Park.

Sadly, most visitors don’t do this drive and miss one of the greatest experiences of the Grand Canyon South Rim.

Tusayan Museum and Ruin

Bring a little culture and history into your Grand Canyon vacation at the Tusayan Museum and Ruins

You can walk the trail around an ancestral Puebloan village to learn more about the canyons’ cultural history. There is a museum showcasing different relicts.

Don’t miss the 4,000 year old twig animal figures.

Desert View Drive Views not to miss:

  • Yaki Point – We did not make it out here as you can’t drive down here. It can only be reached on the free shuttle or on bikes or walking.
  • Duck on a Rock – See if you can work out what the unmarked rock formation is located just east of Yaki Point.
Duck on a Rock
  • Grandview Trail – offers panoramic views of Grand Canyon from east to west, including several bends of the Colorado River to the east. It’s also where the steep Grandview Trail begins. Only for those who know what they are doing at any time of the year.
  • Moran Point – for those who want a good look at the three main rock groups that make up the canyon. Brilliant colors here!
  • Lipan Point – is the place for sunset on the Desert View Drive. It also offers great views of the rapids on the Colorado River
  • Navajo Point – will give you a good view of the desert View Watchtower which is your final viewpoint on the Desert View Drive. Don’t miss it. Navajo Point is the highest overlook on the South Rim (unless you go to the top of the watchtower)

Desert View Watchtower

I loved getting a great view of the Colorado River snaking through the valley, watched over by the jagged cliffs of the rim.

It was dramatic and bright and colorful, made all the more better with a rainbow bursting out of the clouds and over the river.

This is the place where the Vermillion Cliffs, San Francisco Peaks, Painted Desert and Colorado River come into view.

Be sure to climb the watchtower which is the highest point on the South Rim. I loved the design of this building which resembles an ancient Puebloan Ian watchtower.

It was designed by Mary Elizabeth Coulter who designed many of the buildings within the park.

4. How Can I Prepare for a Grand Canyon Winter Visit?

  • You can be pretty flexible when planning a trip to the Grand Canyon in winter. If you can be spontaneous keep an eye on the Grand Canyon weather and visit when there won’t be any inclement weather or winter storms!
  • The ranger told us most road accidents happen on the scenic drives as a result of inexperienced drivers with the snow and in rental cars. If you don’t think you can handle a car in the snow, don’t drive. Wait until it passes. Do a crash course – even a quick google search for a few tips. Get your rental car here.

  • Be sure to have travel insurance. We also saw far too many people getting real close to the edge for those coveted Instagram worthy photos. Risky on a normal day, even ore so when snow and ice is around. Not sure if travel insurance will help if you actually tumble to your death. I guess it would for your loved ones trying to get your body home. In all seriousness, a lot can go wrong. We hope it doesn’t, and we don’t think it will if you’re sensible. But some things can be out of your hands, like travel delays or cancellations, or lost luggage. So you do want to protect your investment into your dream vacation. Some travel insurance polices will cover rental car excess as well which can sometimes cover the daily cost of car rental. As ambassadors for Allianz Travel Insurance, we recommend them as an excellent choice for travel insurance.
  • Be sure to check with the visitor center for conditions of trails and roads

5. Where to Stay in the Grand Canyon

Yavapai Lodge

Yavapai Lodge

We jumped out of our RV for three nights to experience Yavapai Lodge. We wanted to see if it was a good option for you when you visit the Grand Canyon! Guess what? It is.

Yavapai Lodge is a basic hotel room but the rooms were clean and comfortable – you won’t be in them much – and the service was excellent.

We enjoyed the Yavapai Tavern in the main lobby area and ate there two nights, and watched the Super Bowl. You can sit by the fire and use their lobby Wi-Fi.

Yavapai Lodge is centrally located between the Village and the Visitor Center. You can do the short drive (or even bike) to either but there is a shuttle stop here too.

It’s also right next to the biggest general store in the park.

Kachina Lodge

View from their room at Kachina Lodge

Craig’s parents and sister have stayed at Kachina Lodge and were happy with it.

They choose Kachina Lodge due to its prime location on the Rim Trail, and relatively affordable price compared to others nearby.

They had a canyon view from their room. Whilst the building is nothing special from the outside, and their room wasn’t big or flash, it was comfortable – it’s all about location here!

Bright Angel Lodge

Bright Angel Lodge

The iconic Bright Angel Lodge has the natural rustic character you’d expect from a Registered National Historic Landmark, and is located in the heart of Grand Canyon Village.

It has gone through many transformations over the years – it was originally a hotel, then a camp, and finally a lodge!

Inside is the family-friendly Harvey House Café where we ate breakfast each morning.

El Tovar Hotel

For premier Grand Canyon lodging, El Tovar is the ultimate National Park lodge located directly on the rim.

In 1987 this Hotel was designated a National Historic Landmark, and has hosted such luminaries as President Bill Clinton, Sir Paul McCartney, Theodore Roosevelt, and Oprah Winfrey.

Trailer Village RV Park

We were booked in to stay at the Trailer Village, but had to leave because of the winter weather and snow storm. We just weren’t sure how our travel trailer would cope in the low teens – it was going to get to 12 degrees Fahrenheit.

We know she can handle the mid twenties, but we think lower than that may be too much of a strain on the pipes. We parked our trailer in the Yavapai Lodge car park during our stay.

We certainly didn’t want to run the risk of pipes freezing and bursting and then be without our home on wheels!

Accommodation Near the Grand Canyon

For more affordable Grand Canyon accommodation outside the park, and hotels that you don’t have to book as far in advance, look in the town of Tusayan, where Craig stayed with our kids in September.

They stayed at the Grand Canyon Plaza Hotel.

Grand Canyon Plaza Hotel. Photo credit by

This hotel had everything they needed, it was clean, the room was large, and it was an easy 15-minute drive into Grand Canyon Village.

Read reviews and book the Grand Canyon Plaza Hotel with our partner

Search more Grand Canyon Hotels:

6. Important Facts about Grand Canyon National Park

Hopi Point
  • Entrance is $30 per vehicle and $25 for motorcyclists. We use our America the Beautiful Annual National Parks Pass which gives us unlimited visits to federal lands with no fees for 12 months for $80
  • Check with the visitor center for any backcountry permits you may need if going off the beaten path.
  • Free shuttle buses run every 15- 20 minute and take you to most areas in the park except to Desert View.
  • Don’t forget, the North Rim is closed from Nov – May!

7. Tours of the Grand Canyon

Looking for Grand Canyon tours?

If you don’t have your own car or a rental car and only have a limited amount of time, doing a Grand Canyon day trip from Las Vegas is an option.

Our partners, Get Your Guide, offer a Grand Canyon South Rim day tour.

Get picked up from your Vegas hotel then experience one of the best Grand Canyon tours with a professional guide.

Get all the details and read reviews here.

Check out all the Grand Canyon South Rim tours on offer here! Do you have any tips or questions about visiting the Grand Canyon during winter? Leave them in the comments below!

7 Helpful Tips for Visiting The Grand Canyon in Winter
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