7th Heaven Bars

Magic bars are a family favorite, but these have 7 white (or off white) ingredients, so I call them 7th Heaven Bars! Toffee, coconut and Almonds from Diamond Nuts are a perfection combination to make these taste like pieces of heaven! I’m so happy Diamond Nuts asked me to share this recipe with all of you. I actually make the recipe by accident a few months ago! And after I made them I was obsessed. Who knew that these 7 ingredients would be so good together? Not me!

Okay, okay so some of these ingredients are very off white like the graham cracker and toffee pieces, but still! They’re adorable and the name is just so cute! So go with it

Here’s a little step by photo collage for you! I love this recipe because if you have a little less or more of ANY of the ingredients you’ll be just fine! And you can make them in any size pan too. So even if you don’t have any toffee pieces or white chocolate whips you can substitute them for something else your family loves!

You’ll notice I saved a little coconut and lightly covered the almonds before I poured on the sweetened condensed milk. I love a mix of toasted coconut and almonds on top!

And yes, the star of this show, the Sliced Almond Diamond Nuts! I like using the sliced variety because it gives a nice crunch when you bite into the bars but nothing too jarring. Plus the flavor that comes out of these once they’re toasted in the oven is insanely delicious! The mix of them with the coconut and toffee…yum!

They really do slice this perfectly too! Make sure to let them cool for a few hours though! And if you’re recalling feeling it you can even watch some 7th Heaven TV shows!

Print 7th Heaven Bars


2 C. crushed graham crackers 3/4 C. melted butter 1 1/2 C. white chocolate chips 1 1/2 C. toffee pieces 1 3/4 C. shredded coconut 1 1/2 C. Diamonds Almonds 1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9 by 13 inch pan (or smaller if you want them thicker). I lined my pan with parchment paper to easily remove the bars to slice them. 2. In a small bowl combine crushed graham crackers with melted butter and press into pan. 3. Layer in white chocolate chips, toffee pieces, coconut (only 1 cup), almonds and then top with the remaining coconut. Pour sweetened condensed milk on top. 4. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the top starts to brown a little. 5. Let cool and then slice! 3.1
Copyright © YourCupofCake

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