How to Make the Best Strawberry Frosting- no dyes or artificial flavors!

This is the best strawberry frosting you will ever have. There are no artificial flavors or dyes but you get this incredibly intense flavor and color! I have a secret ingredient that’s a little out of the box but it really changes the game when it comes to berry frostings.

This frosting is so perfect for summer, I use a variation of it with tons of recipes like these gorgeous Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes!

Want to know how to make the best strawberry frosting? Here it is

Trader Joe’s has a section of freeze dried fruit. At first I thought this was so weird, but then I realized I could make it into frosting. It’s perfect because when you add fresh fruit you get too much moisture, but using freeze dried eliminates that problem. They have blueberries, raspberries, mango, pineapple and a bunch of others!

There is this little white packet inside, make sure to take that out before you do anything else!

You need to crush the berries, so I used my fabulous Blendtec.

Sift out the larger pieces that didn’t get crushed…. (you can toss these OR minx them into lemonade for a bit of a strawberry kick!)

Then add in your unsalted butter (I only use unsalted butter in my kitchen), vanilla extract, lemon juice for a little zing, and powdered sugar!

Whenever people try this frosting, they just about die. They are so in love with it that they can’t even believe it!

Print The Best Strawberry Frosting with NO dyes or artificial flavors


1 pkg. (1.2 oz) of freeze-dried strawberries, I get mine from Trader Joe's 1 C. unsalted butter, softened 3 tsp. lemon juice, or milk 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 3-4 C. powdered sugar


1. Dump your freeze dried strawberries into a food processor or a Blendtec. Be sure and take out the little white packet inside, this packet keeps out any moisture but you don't want to eat it. 2. Finely crush the berries in your food processor or blender. 3. Pour into a sifter to remove any larger chunks, discard what doesn't go through the sifter. 4. In a stand mixer, beat sifted strawberries and butter until smooth. 5. Add lemon juice and vanilla extract and beat again. 6. Slowly add in powdered sugar until you reach your desired consistency. Cupcakes will beed a stiffer frosting while a cake can be a little more soft. To check, I always pull out my spatula and swipe my finger through the frosting. If the frosting keeps it's shape and doesn't sink, you're good to go! 3.1
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